4th Meditation

The connection with your higher self is your guide during your journey. You need focus and concentration turned inward to better experience that connection. In this week we are step by step enhancing this connection with your higher self through the various exercises. Today’s meditation is made to train your focus and better connect you to your higher self.


Holosounds - Moon

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Focus & Concentration Meditation

  • When you feel relaxed, choose a positive quality which you want in your life like love, compassion, abundance, joy or peace.

  • While thinking about the quality, imagine in what kind of ways you can experience this in your life. How can this feeling impact your life? What should you do differently when you want to have more of this quality in your life? How shall this influence your relationships with others?

  • Keep the images and thoughts clearly in your awareness for as long as you can. Do this for at least 5 minutes.

  • Observe thoughts about unrelated subjects that impose themselves during this meditation. If they are important, write them down so that they can be released and won’t bother you. This way you train your focus and concentration and connect with the qualities your higher self is made of.

  • Repeat this exercise on other moments as well. Focus on an object you like, for example a flower or a crystal. Observe the object and be totally aware of the color, size and details. The goal is that you can do this for at least 5 minutes without getting distracted by other thoughts.